Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You

So, this YEAR is much too quickly drawing to a close. Who can believe it's going to be DECEMBER this week?! Especially with this weather!! It's been in the mid-70's down here all week. Dad says it's supposed to get cooler beginning tomorrow. I know he's always right, but me & my denial (conscious choice on grammatical error, grammar nazis among you) are choosing not to believe him this time. I love mid-70's. Better yet, I ♥ mid-70's!!! Anyway, yeah, mid-70's or not, we can't stop the calendar from flipping over to December. I'm going to MISS November. I also ♥ November... but mostly just because it contains my birthday... which I also ♥. Overuse? Okay, I'll stop. Anyway, December... the LAST month of the year. The thought that popped into my brain (along that same vein) earlier tonight? Dang, I only have one more month left to accomplish my 2006 New Year's Resolutions!

So, in an attempt to accomplish the goals I so thoughtfully established for myself nearly 11 months ago, I'm going to at least remind myself what they were! Luckily, that was one of the first posts on this here blog (does it seem possible that it's almost been a year of my random nothingness???)... if you're interested in the whole thing, it's way back on January 20 (
  • Be smarter about eating & exercising. Well, the pact for $2 or 20 minutes a day didn't last very long at all. But I did put 150 miles on my treadmill. I picked up a running habit for about 3 months there... and I fully intend to get back to it at some point. Every day now, as I turn the water in the shower on (just before lunchtime), I seriously consider turning it back off and lacing up the sneaks for a pre-shower 3 mile trot. So far, I haven't taken myself up on the offer... but I'm bound to one of these days. I miss my Mraz. As for the eating, well, I'm a complete and utter failure on that front. I've got one month to change my life & make my heart feel better. Ready, go.

  • Train the dogs. Ha... well, they know how to sit, lay down, stand up, shake, jump (Coop), dance (Kona), come, high five, high ten, touch, and heel/walk (kinda). Of course, that's only if I can prove (with sight, smell, or touch) that I have snackage in my hand (or within very close reach). I still, for the life of me, can't get 'em to stop barking when they're riled (especially if I'm on the phone), come when they're barking, or stop attacking someone when they've decided it's time to eat them. We're still working... slowly but surely (more slowly than surely, of course).

  • Reconnect with friends. IM is my best friend. I ♥ chatting. Oh shoot... sorry, I forgot I was supposed to stop doing that. Anyway, I've had a few reconnects over the course of the year... thanks to MySpace and Facebook... some more special than others, but all meaningful, nonetheless. And as for new friends, Fun Melanie comes to my immediate mind. :)

  • Make a scrapbook. Yeah... well, I've got a month to get to work on this "just one" scrapbook I promised myself. I did undertake a huge project to organize all my computer-based pictures... so that's kind of in the same genre. But different. And still incomplete anyway. Regardless... I remain undaunted. I'll finish both the computer-pic project AND one scrapbook this year if I have to stay up all night every night to do it. I ♥ staying up all night. Seriously... who needs more than about 16 hours every 4 days anyway?!

  • Be a better Christian. Well, I knew there was at least one I was failing miserably at... in addition to the scrapbook one. Must do better. Period.

Home stretch. I CAN make headway. I MUST make progress. Things WILL work out. Promise. Much love, my people.

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