Anyway, today I stopped myself from being argumentative just for the sake of being argumentative and we discussed a few things that we agree on. Specifically, I pulled out a couple of references to recent New York Times articles demonstrating what I perceive as wasteful spending and the ineffectiveness of our government (you can actually click on the link if you have a free account at otherwise, I'll give you the quick synopsis):
- Subsidies Keep Airlines Flying To Small Towns (abstract only): The government has continued to extend a program that was originally implemented in 1978 (post-deregulation of the airline industry) to subsidize small market routes. Basically, the program pays for (or helps pay for) routes that average about three passengers per flight. Three. And recently, someone found this program on the books (again), decided it was probably a little wasteful, and opened up discussion about ending at least some of these subsidies. The oh-so-intelligent lawmakers who represent the districts with small airports from which these subsidized flights originate stepped in, with a vengeance, to make sure that the subsidies continued. For the THREE travelers taking these flights. Awesome.
- U.S. Jobs Shape Condoms’ Role in Foreign Aid: US Agency for International Development (Usaid) buys millions of condoms every year for AIDS prevention and family planning programs overseas. "Over the years, Usaid could have afforded even more condoms — among the most effective methods for slowing the spread of AIDS — if it had it bought them from the lowest bidders on the world market. ... Britain, Ireland and Norway have all sought to make aid more cost effective by opening contracts in their programs to fight global poverty to international competition. The United States, meanwhile, continues to restrict bidding on billions of dollars worth of business to companies operating in America." So, while I absolutely support the government helping our own workers (saving jobs at the condom factory, etc.), I wonder why the Alabama condom factory can't figure out a way to be more competitive -- at least a little bit more competitive -- with foreign companies. And I'm most annoyed by the story's references to the Alabama elected officials, one of whom didn't even know Alabama HAD a condom factory, who fight SO HARD to keep "pork" provisions in budget bills for their own districts.
I think regardless of party affiliation, lawmakers these days are out of control. Why can't a decent, rational person make it up the ranks of one or the other of our two parties? Why are our choices this Tuesday (and every Voting Day Tuesday in recent history) between the lesser of two evils or idiot vs. idiot? Are we that dumb as a whole? Are these people REALLY representative of our population?
Anyway, although I consider myself a very liberal Republican, I'm frustrated by having to be associated wtih either of the parties. (And it's not a valid option to be an Independent. In theory, it should be; but in reality, Independents have no voice at all.) When I saw these fun little quizzes, I thought... hmm, maybe this will help determine which party I SHOULD be in:
You Are 32% Republican |
![]() If you're still voting Democrat, maybe it's time that you stop. |
You Are 40% Democrat |
![]() You're a bit Democrat, and probably more liberal than you realize. |
Yeah, not so much. Oh well... rant over. Forget it. Who cares, anyway? I'm sure there are MUCH better things to talk about this Sunday morning/afternoon... maybe less controversial subjects like religion or sex?!
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