Hmm... maybe I'm frustrated today. I thought I was feeling all successful because I got so much of my to-do list checked off today. But I must be. Didn't really know it about myself. When I first heard those trails lyrics while sitting at the pool in the wildfire haze earlier (it wasn't as bad today as it was yesterday... which is why I went ahead and went to the pool), it wasn't with a frustrated, negative outlook. It was more introspection. But now, I've let too much time pass between first thinking about what to write tonight and actually writing tonight. Today has already become tomorrow, I'm a little irritated that I forgot to write before now (I really don't like my posts to go into the next day), and my eyes are bugging from looking at the computer screen (again) all night.
I've been recruited to help the Marketing team on another nomination process... because I did "such a GREAT job" with the Cannes one. Woohoo. Thanks. Oh, and thanks for stealing every creative aspect of the first process I created (with the help of Haley... see, that's how you create someone!) to include in the e-mail asking me to create this new process, copying your boss (one of the VIPs in the company), and making all of said creativity look like your ideas. LOVE THAT. Now there's only one way you can make it up to me, Marketing team. Take me to Cannes or lose me forever. (Like how I did that? Called Meg Ryan (whose cute little haircut was partial inspiration for my recent chop-chop) and Top Gun into your head while also making everything about me... and my desire to go to Cannes?! By the way, the real inspiration... if I haven't told you already... was Jenny McCarthy. Is that weird? I don't think so. She just looks so HAPPY lately... and her haircut is part of that, I think. So I stole it. But, OH LOOK, I just did it again... credited someone with their original work! It really can't be that hard since I just did it twice in one paragraph. All you would've had to do, FRIEND, was say "Heidi, we liked what you did with the Cannes thing so well that we're stealing/copying/imitating (whichever word you think is most appropriate there) it in this new process that we'd like you to help us with. And we want to send you to France for helping on both." Cool. It's settled.)
And Mom, thanks for the advice tonight... despite your puniness. Hope you feel better soon! I went ahead with the original plan and purchased the geraniums. I like 'em okay. We'll see how they hold up to the scorching afternoon sun at Forsythe. (Lord knows the impatiens sure as heck couldn't take it. They withered like there's no tomorrow every time that sun smacked them in the face.) Knowing how much I love them, I also couldn't pass up 3 of the little gerbera daisies tonight. (Hey, that's actually pretty good considering as how I was basically ready to buy one of everything... bluebells, bougainvillea, lily, gerbera daisy, geranium, mandevillea, hibiscus, etc.) I don't know why I originally decided to use these special daisies as my fave flower on one of those silly surveys, but ever since then, I've decided I was right. (Speaking of fave flowers, I remember that Becah's is magnolia blossoms... Personally, I hate the trees, love the blossoms. They're blooming right now in the Boro. LOVE those HUGE white fragrant blossoms. And speaking of daisies, I remember loving those simple yellow daisies in my blue vase at the senate. Oh man... Ken didn't enjoy... he wanted something fancier... but I loved my simple little daisies. That's me. Simple. Shallow (as in not deep), some might say.)
You think I was kidding about the impatiens? Take a gander for yourself. Wouldn't you think this plant was d.y.i.n.g??? But give it some aqua and put it in the shade, and the darn thing perks right back up. Maybe I should say it gets peart. Right Dad? ;)
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