The moon up above me brilliantly shines
I've never been happier watching it glow
I'm here by myself, but I know I'm not alone
I look through the brightness into the sky
The sun up above me, spitting out fire
Call me a child, call me naive
The world is much brighter
Than it ever used to be
Gosh, I wish that was mine. I mean, I wish I had written that. I've been adding lyrics to all the rest of the songs in my library. It's fun... it allows for lots of listening enjoyment as I let 'em play during my work days. Luckily, there are LOTS of songs, for my many long work days. Yeah... don't you love that I'm sitting here trying to convince you of how hard I work? When there's evidence RIGHT THERE (just below this post in the next/last one) to the contrary. Okay, so the REAL scoop is that my boss gave me a writing assignment today. I immediately IM'd Haley to tell her how much I hate writing on command (which is kind of a problem for me since that's -- sometimes, at least -- what I'm paid to do). Anyway, to prove to Haley how much I did not want to complete this assignment, I let Kona (AND Coop) take over the keyboard. Of course, thanks to the wonder & beauty... and pure frustration at times... of digital photography, I got to take the pic over and over and over again. So, as I was showing Jon all of the iterations, he -- of course -- picked another as his fave. And he thoroughly enjoyed the Coop pic, too, so I'll post those two for your enjoyment (and you can judge for yourself if I picked the right pic):
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So, big weekend coming up. Tomorrow night is the big Sport Psych party for the grad students. They/We are evidently playing volleyball & going for pizza at the fancy house of one of Jon's colleagues (Haley -- it's the baseball player... don't you wish you were HERE!?!?!). Then... after that excitement, we just learned that the Brooklet Peanut Festival is Saturday. It was going on just about the time we moved here last year (obviously, since it's been a little over a year!... did I mention that in the blog somewhere???), and we attended late in the evening then. It sucked in the evening. All of the vendors had packed up & gone home. AND the only peanuts left were boiled. Ick. Don't try 'em... unless you like your peanuts to taste like raw green beans, well, boiled. Anyway, if it's the ONLY thing we do on Saturday, I am insisting that we go to the Peanut Festival in the daytime. Period. End of story. Anyway... so Haley, that means we don't play this weekend... but maybe next week sometime? :-) Can't wait!!!! I'm already gone to Carolina in my mind. Yes, obviously, I've gotten to the J's (iTunes alphabetizes by first name) in my lyric-izing.
So, I know that yesterday I promised a better topic for tonight. Sorry... as you'll notice from the time stamp, I let tonight get away from me... and that (kinda) means also that i didn't take the time to really come up with a goodie. Although... I probably had a good topic all along but used it too soon! Did you know today was Bad Poetry Day? (Well, technically, it was yesterday...8/18... but it's still today for me even though the clock has flipped over.) So, what I should've done was held onto the bad haiku post for another couple of days. Geez... coulda shoulda woulda. Anyway, in honor of bad poetry day, I hope you all wrote, at the VERY least, a bad haiku. And if you didn't, feel free to allow the official "holiday" to extend into your tomorrow. C'mon, people, let your creative sides out to breathe every once in a while. Write a poem, take some pictures, draw a little, sing a song, bang the drum, whatever!
See? Even Cooper & Kona can be creative. (Duh... what did you think they were typing earlier?) But I had to help them with the posting. The mouse is still a little hard for them... what with pawpads instead of fingertips. Can you guess which is which? Yes, I know there are three... and just two dogs.
Bark hungry or bored
But I sure can be bullied
This is my yard, jack
Excitement galore
Let me bite your pockets please
Don't try anything
Sit outside with me
The sooner the better now
When will it be then?
Okay, I promise. I'm over the haikus. Thank goodness Bad Poetry Day is over, right?!
1 comment:
Swiss cake rolls = yum.
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