Thursday, August 24, 2006

Searching Desperately for 'At Peace'

What is it about nighttime that brings such restlessness? I can sit for hours during the daytime just wishing for the opportunity to sleep. And here I am on a perfectly dark, quiet, relaxing, nothing-else-to-do middle-of-the-night... and I'm wide awake. (Although, those of you who know me & have spent a night with me at all know that if you just give me 5 minutes... or even 5 seconds... of head-just-hit-the-pillow truly quiet/dark time -- you know, without the computer -- I'll be out like Jack McFarland... well, kind of a different out, but you know what I mean.) But for now, the computer is still on. I'm still addicted to the Internet. I'm being my usual night-owl restless-as-hell self. All is right with the world. And it's not really quiet. The bugs are LOUD here! But I love it. Throw in a little bit o' lightning and thunder, and it'd be my PERFECT late-night-at-M&D's night.

I had a very fun day today hanging with my sis et. al. I checked out App today and spent the whole afternoon "working" (use hand quotation marks generally there when reading aloud please) from the student lounge just below Haley's floor. I got to see her office too... storage closet that it is. And I had lunch with Hales and Jar. Loved that Jar could join us. Love that we're kinda reconnected now. Missed that friendship that was such an integral part of my HS senior year & summer. And, of course, Haley was there. And that ALWAYS makes anything fun. Then, to make today truly MY KIND OF DAY, Mom met the two of us girls for dinner at Ruby. Why is it that Ruby is ALWAYS my fall-back? Never fails... nowhere else to go? Ruby, here I come. But I love it. And if it wasn't for the sheer exhaustion that each one of us felt, it would've been I-can't-stand-it fabulous. Phew... don't know if we could've actually stood that, though. Good thing we were tired.

Well... the dark room, bright computer screen, and open window are combining to make an infuriating bug display less than 2 feet from my face. And I'm tired of watching the little bias crawl around on my words... my precious, crazy, obsessive, idiotic words. So, I'm cutting us all off. It's really time anyway. So, get back to work... or get to work if you haven't started yet. Either way, I'm OUT.

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