Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It's the one thing that's missin', The one thing you're wishin', Life's sacred blessin' and then

Can you please...? Can you please...? Can you please...? Okay, I'm sorry; but I should NOT be the only one who can actually do things, understand the system(s), explain stuff, etc. at the COR. Yet, I'm constantly the one THEY turn to to do ANYTHING. I'm with Lis... Tigers say grrrrrr. I actually put in quite the full day today. So what that I didn't really get started until 10:40. I participated in the conference call at 9:00... that was something. And I'll bet you no one even noticed what time I got online. Eh, I have much better things to do with my mornings. Plus, I like sleeping in, so there. And... I'm still actually WORKING at 7:35 pm... so I make up for it. I'm sure some of you notice other times I'm actually WORKING too... that is, if you pay any attention to my away messages. I know, I know... sometimes they're a bunch of gibberish. But if you know me, if you really know me... they'll almost always give you a little insight into my soul. Unless, of course, I'm working... which was the point of this whole diatribe anyway. And I WAS actually working the other night (Sunday, wasn't it?) until 11:40 pm. That's what time I sent my last "here you go" to Mr. Z (names changed, of course, to protect the innocent... or guilty, as the case may be). He gave me SUCH an outrageous project to work on that I had to complain to my boss, my colleagues, my parents, my friends, just about everyone I talked to about it. But I got it done. Finally. Stupid SOX. I would appreciate a little more warning (and information!) next time, Mr. Z. :-) Anyway, so back to my original point of this paragraph... me having to do everything... when you get ready to delete a file, do you READ the warning message? Do you BELIEVE it when it says that it's really going away? Well, me too... but evidently, that's not a given. It's kind of like emptying your Recyle Bin and saying "Um... Heidi, can you get that file back that I just deleted? I really didn't understand when you said it would be gone forever."

Moving right along... Banana said to say hi to all y'all yesterday. No way... why would you THINK that I went up there over lunch? Okay, okay, I did. And it was a beautiful day for a drive on the Parkway. I was thinking I'd go back out there some time... or just go down to keep baby sis company. I LOVE the flexibility of my job. I'm doing it... from ANYWHERE. Today was a beautiful driving day too. Too bad I had to spend most of it inside working. Dang laptop batteries. They should last longer so you don't have to stay tethered to the wall. (Come to think of it, so should cell phone batteries!) AND... they should make sun-friendly computer screens as well. Who WOULDN'T love to work from the pool? AND... there should be 1x or EVDO coverage EVERYWHERE (VERIZON!) so that I can constantly get my e-mail (and such) on my SmartPhone. It's really not right that there's about a 30 minutes to 1 hour circle around Mom & Dad's. If I drive 30 minutes to 1 hour, I can sync up... but not before then. AND... there really should be wireless hotspots around, well, everywhere. Al Gore did not invent the InterWeb for it not to be shared... and FREE. I do feel bad for those of you with office jobs, though. I know I've got it good. Don't have to be in by 8. Can take as long as I need for lunch. Can REALLY flex my flextime. Etc., etc., etc. But perhaps I'm TOO comfortable with this.

Well, I got my blog posting done BEFORE the clock even made it to four digits tonight. Too bad I didn't SAY anything interesting. Oh well, at least I feel ahead-of-schedule. What am I going to do with the rest of the evening?!?! I'd love another quiet one sitting in the dark, but you just can't have those every night. I reckon I'll go join Dad in front of the TV and see if he has anything to grunt about. Or maybe I'll drive to CH to hang with Hales again. Hmm... I hate decisions.

And for those of you wondering what the heck the last post was... duh, it was quotes from "Mean Girls". If you haven't seen Lindsey, Rachel & Co. with multiple bottles of wine, you just haven't... well, seen them with multiple bottles of wine. But you're missing out, nonetheless. Watch the movie. And don't think I'm weird. Just because I post craziness... I'm telling you... it's just additional insight! And if you're not looking for additional insight here, well then, what ARE you doing here? Oh yeah, we did publicize this here blog originally as an US thing, didn't we? Oh well. We fooled you, didn't we?!?!?!?

Catch y'all on the flip side of Gilmore... yes, I know it's a repeat... but maybe Christopher will be in it. Mmmmmmm.

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