Monday, November 12, 2007

The Wide World of Choo-Choo

What happens to time? I seriously didn't think it had been that long since I ran the last time, but... come to find out (by the note I left myself on the treadmill), it was way back on 10/22. Twenty-one days ago. Gosh. And here I just said that I would do better about it. Well, tonight I renew the effort... for the millionth time... probably yet another failed attempt. But you never know unless you try again, right?

I kid myself into thinking i'm exercising by going for bike rides with my kids. But really, it only taxes me when they hightail it after the UPS truck or some random kids-on-a-golf-cart. Meanwhile, the leisurely pace usually leaves me with tons of time to just pedal slowly and think, think, think. Lately, I've been thinking about trains.

There are several trains in my life right now. Theoretical trains, for the most part. What I found myself wondering about today is... how can I determine which trains are engineered by God and which are worldly trains? Because, truly, I find myself inclined to jump in front of them, throw my warm body onto the tracks, do anything I can to stop those darn trains. But then I think, well... if it's truly God's will for this train to be chugging down this track, who am I to try to derail it? So, from out in front of the train, as it's bearing down on me... how can I see who's driving it?

1 comment:

Haley said...

that is interesting. i think that all trains are meant to be. xoxo.