Friday, July 21, 2006

Survey the State of the Soul (After Climbing Over the Top)

Well, boys & girls, I obviously forgot to open my post tonight before I wrote it. So, here I am, revealing to all of you my stay-up-too-late-then-struggle-with-what-to-write habits. I'm so ashamed. No, no... don't look directly at me.

Anywho... there was a story in today's New York Times Daily Headlines e-mail that grabbed my attention for two reasons. The story was entitled "Survey of the Blogosphere Finds 12 Million Voices" and the first sentence: "Bloggers are a mostly young, racially diverse group of people who have never been published anywhere else and who most often use cyberspace to talk about their personal lives, according to a report on blogging released yesterday by the Pew Internet & American Life Project." Now for the two reasons: 1) I love reading about who's blogging and 2) I don't trust surveys as far as I can throw 'em.

I love reading about who's blogging... it just makes me feel connected to so many other people! I mean, I know there are tons and tons of people out there who keep diaries/journals, evidently approximately 12 million of which are electronic accounts-of-life that are laid out here for the world to see. I was intrigued to note that most of us blog about our personal lives. So, it sometimes concerns me that I tend to "lay it all out there" for all y'all to read every morning (or night)... although, who are we kidding? There's, of course, lots and lots and lots that I don't tell you. Seriously, you thought you were getting all of me?!?! C'mon now, that's reserved for a few very special people! Not that all of you aren't special. But, hello, you're reading about my life on the Internet... not hearing it directly from me via phone, IM, e-mail, or in-person visit! Anyway, yes, although it's not everything, it's probably not unsubstantial either. And as my Auntie pointed out to me when she called to ask me where my blog was located on the interweb, you have to be careful how much information you put out there! Am I too naive? Probably. Do I believe everything will be fine in the end? Definitely. One of those traits I got from my mother... the other came directly from my dad. See if you can figure it out for yourselves.

I don't trust surveys as far as I can throw 'em! Now, this... THIS... is a major thing with me. I took the J-school courses that talked about surveys. I listened and tried to learn the material. But I JUST DON'T BUY IT. Neilsen... c'mon... has anyone really ever BEEN a Neilsen family? I actually downloaded the application that was supposed to be the Neilsen Web Statistics stuff... never could get the damn thing to work. And, seriously, exit polls? Did a CNN representative ever ask any regular people who they voted for? I've voted in several elections myself and NOT ONE SOUL has ever even pretended to ask me who I voted for. So, they haven't asked me. And I don't know anyone else they have asked. So, how can I trust that they're reliable? Anyway, I know this rant is absurd. But, too often, surveys go directly against my opinion... and, of course, my opinion is the CORRECT one. So, obviously, the surveys are flawed. Anyway, for those of you not buying into my conspiracy theory (which I could explain in far greater -- and much more coherent -- detail if it weren't 2 am already), you may enjoy the fact that Gallup has its own web site where you can read about the latest idiotic questions their employees are spanning the globe asking Joe Six-Pack: Tonight's top story? The awful, horrible, can-he-be-any-stupider stem cell veto that goes against ever fiber of our scientifically rich civilization of which every single one of our white, middle class, atheist asses belongs. Seriously, I swear, I don't really have that strong of an opinion about it. And hopefully, you can all read sarcastic inflection via blog. It's truly just the holier-than-thou, I-know-everything-and-have-proven-I'm-right-because-10-people-agree-with-me surveys!! And all of y'all out there thinking right now about how I've told you before that I like to complete online surveys to pass the time, SHUT UP. Who asked you? It's just for fun that I do that. Duh!

Cooper agrees with me. See? He's nodding & smiling:

Okay, FINE. He thinks I'm crazy too. But he really does smile in his sleep. :-)

Anyway, have a good... well, I guess it would be MORNING by now! Enjoy the weekend, folks. And if anyone asks you to take part in a survey, kindly tell them I'd like a word.

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