Thursday, February 23, 2006

How's the weather where you are?

What’s new?
How’s the weather?
Is it stormy where you are?
You sound so close, but it feels like you’re so far.

When you run out of things to talk about with someone, what's the first thing you ask? Okay, maybe that didn't make as much sense as when I said it inside my head. Anyway... what I'm trying to say is... I'm all out of ideas for blog posts tonight. (Well, that's not entirely true... but I'm really tired... have been staying up too late... and don't really have the energy - or the creativity - to write a really interesting one tonight. So, yes... all out of ideas.) And what is the fallback conversation topic anytime your all out of ideas? Of course, the weather. (And I just love the line in that Billie song, so I swiped it.)

For those of you who are suffering through light snow & 34° tonight in Bellefonte (State College suburb, for those non-PAers out there); windy conditions and 39° in Fleetwood; 37° in Chapel Hill (can that be right? Fleetwood is 2° warmer than CH?!?!?); and anywhere just below 50°... I thought you might like to see the Statesboro forecast for tomorrow:

Oh yeah, and we hit 80° yesterday. I was outside sitting by the pool, sipping my fruffy umbrella drink. Okay, so you got me... I wasn't really. But it was an incredibly lovely AND WARM day. I know there are a few of you out there who would have loved it ... so I wish you could have been/could be here to savor it with us. Coop, Kona & I will be out there again tomorrow, lapping up the sunshine & warmth (that and, of course, the sprinkler puddles)! That is, when they're not sleeping in their separate beds (which are in the sunshine for the first few hours of the day!).

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