Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Pure garbage, I tell you... both DirecTV and the Heels (tonight). How many times can I call in & complain about blackouts? Seriously, how many times will DirecTV black out Carolina games in STATESBORO, GEORGIA???!!!??? And the UNC/Dook game? I mean, for crying out loud, it's a nationally televised game on ESPN!!! So, who do I blame? Let's take a vote...
- DirecTV for the craziness of blackouts of all Carolina games (or HALF of this one)
- ESPN for offering it on Full Court and blacking out the 2nd half only (?)
- The "sports association" responsible for the blackouts (according to DirecTV, it's absolutely "not our fault"... it's all these "sports associations" that I have NEVER heard of)

I hate the rage... I really do. But it overtakes me sometimes! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! And especially when it has to be directed at multiple outlets. DirecTV and the loss. Geez... I'm going to bed. BAH!

And to make it even worse... Haley's leaving tomorrow. :-( Disapointing, sad, icky.

1 comment:

Melissa Littlefield said...

Don't be sad, H! As I've said many times before--be more like me: just don't watch sports at all . . . kidding