Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sunday, February 26, 2006

But... WHICH is Silver?

There is a song from my childhood that I hear in my head every so often. "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold." Now, I know that new friends are ultra-important. And I understand that I need to go out & make an effort to make those new friends in order to fulfill the goal of the song.

Having said that (and blowing it away with a quick swat of my hand... especially since I haven't been that successful at doing it yet), old friends are, in my opinion, about the most precious possessions one can have. (And, of course, "old friends" also includes family members!) They've been with you for so long. They know your secrets; they know what makes you happy; they knew what makes you sad. They just know... well, you.

So, I ran across another interesting quote in All the King's Men that I marked while I was on the plane last week. Of course, it has to do with old friends. I thought I'd throw it out there... not sure if I agree with it, but here goes: "The Friend of Your Youth is the only friend you will ever have, for he does not really see you. He sees in his mind a face which does not exist any more, speaks a name - Spike, Bud, Snip, Red, Rusty, Jack, Dave - which belongs to that now nonexistent face but which by some inane and doddering confusion of the universe is for the moment attached to a not too happily met and boring stranger. But he humors the drooling doddering confusion of the universe and continues to address politely that dull stranger by the name which properly belongs to the boy face. ... [T]he Friend of Your Youth is your friend because he does not see you any more. And perhaps he never saw you. ... The Friend of Your Youth is the only friend you will ever have, for he hasn't the slightest concern with calculating his interest or your virtue. He doesn't give a damn, for the moment, about Getting Ahead or Needs Must Admiring the Best, the two official criteria in adult friendships, and when the boring stranger appears, he puts out his hand and smiles (not really seeing your face) and speaks your name (which doesn't really belong to your face), saying "Well, Jack, damned glad you came, come in, boy!"

Does that "old friend aura" come from knowing each other so well or not really knowing the "not too happily met and boring stranger"? Is it truly that we value those old friendships purely because of our history together or was there really an unseverable bond of friendship established long ago?

I would guess that there are a few of both scenarios in my trunk full of old friends (which I sometimes begin to feel is small & light, but when I start actually looking through the names & faces, I realize there are so many there and that each one holds a special place in my heart and my heart is just bursting with the joy & sadness & other emotions that well up inside of me with each thought of a memory shared with another "old friend"). Some I will always cherish simply because of the people we used to be and the moments we shared. And, others... well, you're probably the scariest friends I have (I know, strange word choice... but I'm going with it). You're the ones who make me feel the most vulnerable, yet real... you see me... and I hope, that even with that x-ray vision into who I was/am/will be (the "name which properly belongs to the boy (or girl!) face", "the dull stranger", and whatever the "drooling doddering confusion of the universe" has in store for the me of tomorrow), you still count me among one of your "old friends" too.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

While I'm on the Subject of Weather

Another weather lyric... how funny that it popped into my iTunes tonight (when I'm still not feeling creative or motivated enough to write a decent post):
So I'll check the weather wherever you are
Cause I wanna know if you can see the stars tonight
Might be my only right
Hope you're all having a wonderful Friday night (... well, hope you've HAD a wonderful Friday night since we've already passed that 00:00 fresh start for the evening). All my love from the Boro.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

How's the weather where you are?

What’s new?
How’s the weather?
Is it stormy where you are?
You sound so close, but it feels like you’re so far.

When you run out of things to talk about with someone, what's the first thing you ask? Okay, maybe that didn't make as much sense as when I said it inside my head. Anyway... what I'm trying to say is... I'm all out of ideas for blog posts tonight. (Well, that's not entirely true... but I'm really tired... have been staying up too late... and don't really have the energy - or the creativity - to write a really interesting one tonight. So, yes... all out of ideas.) And what is the fallback conversation topic anytime your all out of ideas? Of course, the weather. (And I just love the line in that Billie song, so I swiped it.)

For those of you who are suffering through light snow & 34° tonight in Bellefonte (State College suburb, for those non-PAers out there); windy conditions and 39° in Fleetwood; 37° in Chapel Hill (can that be right? Fleetwood is 2° warmer than CH?!?!?); and anywhere just below 50°... I thought you might like to see the Statesboro forecast for tomorrow:

Oh yeah, and we hit 80° yesterday. I was outside sitting by the pool, sipping my fruffy umbrella drink. Okay, so you got me... I wasn't really. But it was an incredibly lovely AND WARM day. I know there are a few of you out there who would have loved it ... so I wish you could have been/could be here to savor it with us. Coop, Kona & I will be out there again tomorrow, lapping up the sunshine & warmth (that and, of course, the sprinkler puddles)! That is, when they're not sleeping in their separate beds (which are in the sunshine for the first few hours of the day!).

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Let's just assume I enjoyed watching the game tonight. Well, first, let's assume that I could even watch the game. You know what happens when you assume...

So, I've been reading my new PostSecret book instead. Love it. Of course, it helps to soothe the frustration I feel in missing another opportunity to see the Heels play. But, it's alarming at some of the "secrets" that hit much too close to home. How did they know I could be fooled by the illusions in my head?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


My sister thinks she's so funny!!! (And she is, but that doesn't change a thing.) Okay, I have a sense of humor... and I'll let the quite-embarassing picture of me making a funny face in a highlight cap stay on Haley's blog (shoot, I'll even link to it!)... but she's going to also have to demonstrate her sense of humor in return.

Haley, surely you didn't believe that I wouldn't post something equally embarassing (or more so!) . Yes, I understand that your picture (the polish sausage face, I believe you called it) could also be perceived as embarassing to you; but you were prepared for the giggles you would get... and I, alas, was taken by surprise. So, without further ado, the funny little files that will allow us to all share in little Haley's giggling spree (with sincerest apologies to those of you innocently caught up in the fun & games). Of course, it is striking for most of these that even though they're designed to be funny, they still end up making Haley look as cute as a little button.

Finally, Kevin, although I'm pretty sure that you weren't an accomplice to Haley's posting today, this one's too funny to pass up. I apologize for dragging you into this silly little sister game; but I guess that's what you get for dating my goofball sis... and for making this face in the first place (and not to mention allowing me to KEEP it on the camera after you had actually seen it).

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Waiting to see the eyes

Okay, so I started this blog entry yesterday as I was waiting in the airport for my flight (CLT to SAV… after hanging with Mikey & Jess for the morning). I figured I’d go ahead and finish it, even though I didn’t get very far before they started boarding the flight and I never went back and finished the entry (either on the short little flight or afterward when I finally got back home).

They just asked for volunteers for the flight. I had so much fun here with Mikey, Jess, & the kids (and it was such a pleasure meeting the famous Flip)... if I didn’t think I had already worn out my welcome, I might call you guys & say let’s hang out some more! But, I appreciate the effort you already put in for me; so no way would I ask for even more!

As I sit here in the airport awaiting the boarding for another late flight (you’ll just have to believe that that’s where I am this second since I won’t be able to post this until I get back to Statesboro later today and have a FREE web connection… well, not free, but already paid for), I’m just people-watching and enjoying the heck out of it. I am loving (as I’ve said before) the style of All the King’s Men (and no, I haven’t finished it yet), and it gets me thinking a little more creatively (well, my own version of creativity), wondering about all those people that I see walking by, sitting here in the waiting area, chatting with loved ones, etc. I find myself wondering what is on their minds and in their hearts. Are we thinking similar thoughts? Do we have anything in common?

Is that couple really happy? What is that lady listening to on her iPod (could it possibly be “Stay” like me)? Does the person that she considers her best friend KNOW that s/he’s her best friend? Does she have problems telling people that she loves them? Do those kids realize how much trouble their parents are going to to travel with them? Is that lady embarrassed by what she’s wearing? Does the woman over there know that we can all hear her conversation (even through iPod earbuds)? What will those volunteers do for the next four hours while they await the next flight out to Savannah?

Yeah, anyway, so obviously I was just rambling while awaiting the boarding process. And I was awfully “wondery” about other people’s feelings at that particular moment. I guess I just wanted to see through the ‘show-no-emotion’ façade that most travelers wear into what was really happening in that one person’s life. I guess I was just looking for one person who would meet my gaze. Weird, huh?

I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday night. I'm off to finish watching Grey's Anatomy and enjoy the rest of the last-day-of-the-weekend evening. Happy President's Day tomorrow! For those of you suffering through another blast of wintery weather, I hope everything settles into comfortable for you again soon.

And since I'm back with my photo technology, I figured I'd share one from just today. Thank goodness it's not just for me that I go to Sonic. Must also go for the boy and his ice.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

That darn credit card

On LiveJournal (as recommended by Brad), I have added a few RSS feeds to my "friends" page. One such feed is from the blog Overheard in New York... a collection of the best of the best quotes overheard in the streets (or buildings) of NYC. I got a real kick out of this one:

Woman: Oh god, I hope nobody takes that out of context.
Man: Takes what out of context?
Woman: A thing I just thought.

Thank the Lord that no one can use our thoughts against us!

Got to say a quick thanks to Jess & Mikey for all their hospitality yesterday & this morning. For those of you I haven't told about my travel troubles, I got stuck in Charlotte at 10 pm last night (with no other flights going to Savannah). J & M were kind enough to be taxi, hotel, and great company. I hope I wasn't too much trouble to you guys... I appreciate it SOOOO much!

So, I had a minor little freak-out tonight (after I got back home, went to dinner with Jon, laughed a lot, and went to Wal Mart for Resolve carpet cleaner to get the oopsie spots out of the carpet... still don't understand why Cooper & Kona have so many accidents with Jon). We were at Wal-Mart, and I went to pay... but my credit card was missing. Then, I started trying to remember when the last time I used that card. I remembered sticking it in my pocket this morning after breakfast; but I was pretty sure I stuck it back in my wallet in the car afterward (if I hadn't already put it back in its home in the restaurant). Then, I remembered that I had to have done that... because I used it to pay for parking at SAV. But the two machines inside the terminal were out of order and I had to pay at the exit gate. So, I'm thinking... did I leave my card in the stupid machine? I know I got the receipt from the machine (the same machine that I thought perhaps ate my card)... and I couldn't find that receipt either. So, surely, even if I had left my card in the machine, I would be able to find the receipt that I'm SURE I had at some point. It couldn't be in my suitcase b/c that was in the trunk. In the front with me were both of my Vera bags, my coat, and the sweater that I originally had on (it was COLD in Charlotte but downright balmy in Savannah... so I had to change from the turtleneck into a short-sleeve shirt I had in my suitcase). Anyway, after searching everywhere (including completely cleaning out "the hot car), I finally found both the card & the receipt in my computer bag. I had stuck it down into the side pocket, replacing the cell phone that I grabbed out of my bag as soon as I paid for parking & was on the open road. So intelligent am I... or rather stupid, stupid, stupid. Oh well, at least all is found and the freaking out is over. Okay, yes, thank goodness... anyway, bye dear!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Loooooong Friday Coming Up

Are you bored yet with my non-picture posts? Sorry about that if you are. But I only have my work laptop with me on this trip (obviously, since eit's a work trip & my other machine is a desktop!). And the work laptop just doesn't have a lot of pics that you haven't already seen.

Anyway, I wrap up my trip to State College tomorrow & head back to Statesboro via Philly and Charlotte. It's actually been relatively warm the last half of the week. We saw neary 60 yesterday and today! Good thing I'm leaving before the weekend since it's supposed to get FREAKIN' cold again. Hopefully, the GA weather will be pleasing for me when I get back home. The work stuff has been relatively good. I've enjoyed hanging with my colleagues, forcing them to go out to lunch with me, just chatting, etc. I'll definitely be lonely next week when I'm back in my home office!

My flight doesn't leave tomorrow until 4:20, so I'm looking at a long day of work and travel (I don't get back to Savannah until 11... and then there's an hour drive back to the Boro). My lovely travel agent made sure that he gave me long layovers and a three-legged trip. Of course, for that I'm extremely grateful. Oh well... I should have plenty of time between flights (no bookin' it this time!) for snacks and reading, etc. Enjoy your Friday night tomorrow... be thankful you don't have to be sitting in the airport or on a plane.

"For whatever was is not now, and whatever is will not be, and the foam that looks so sun-bright when the wind is kicking up the breakers lies streaked on the hard sand after the tide is out and looks like scum off the dishwater." Goal for today: Don't be scum off the dishwater. Instead, count some UFOs and signal them with your lighter.

Two more things:
1) In a package of Valentine's Smarties today, I actually had a candy heart that said "First Kiss"!
2) I think Dads are very unappreciated. They have to do all the worst jobs and never get proper credit for doing them. Dad, for all the times I haven't said thanks, sorry. Love you!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

First Kisses

For those of you who were worried, I still can't stand the FREAKIN' cold and snow of State College... just in case you thought I might get back up here and want to move back. But I did have a great time at work today. (I know, odd statement... but remember, I don't have any colleagues at my home office.) It was great to catch up with some of my buds... more to come, I'm sure. I have really missed you guys!

It all seems so absurd to be flying like a bird when i do not feel i've really landed here.

Happy V-Day... after my post last night (and with it being Valentine's Day today), I can't get my "we hate Valentine's Day club" out of my head. April, Jill, Tracy... that was so much fun. Wish I could go back and have another sundae with you guys right now! "Remember when we were kids and if we liked someone we put a little "x" and "o" on their valentine?" To all of you ... X and O... as big as possible. Have a great night and take the "What Does Your Candy Heart Say" quiz at Blogthings!

My Candy Heart Says "First Kiss"

You're a true romantic who brings an innocent hope to each new relationship.
You see the good in every person you date, and you relish each step of falling in love. Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a romantic dinner your sweetie cooks for you. Your flirting style: friendly and sweet. What turns you off: cynics who don't believe in romance. Why you're hot: you always keep the romance alive.

All the You's of the World Unite

Do you ever turn around and think, what just happened to those three hours? Happens to me ALL THE TIME. But here I sit typing away at 2:00 am... and me with a 9 am meeting (in person, no less... not in my regular attire of bathrobe and slippers!) Why am I so addicted to sharing all of my little random musings with you guys? Because I know (well, I think) you're reading them; that's why. So, don't tell me if you're not.

"There is nothing more alone than being in a car at night in the rain. I was in the car and I was glad of it. Between one point on the map and the other point on the map, there was the being alone in the car in the rain. They say you are not you except in terms of relation to other people. If there weren't any other people, there wouldn't be any you because what you do, which is what you are, only has meaning in relation to other people. That is a very comforting thought when you are in the car in the rain at night alone, for then you aren't you, and not being you or anything, you can really lie back and get some rest. It is a vacation from being you. There is only the flow of the motor under your foot spinning that frail thread of sound out of its metal gut like a spider, that filament, that nexus, which isn't really there, between the you which you have just left in one place and the you which you will be when you get to the other place. You ought to invite those two you's to the same party, some time. Or you might have a family reunion for all the you's with barbecue under the trees. It would be amusing to know what they would say to each other."

I had a lot of travel time today. (The airports were quite messy with catch-up activity from yesterday's snowstorms.) And travel time for me generally means reading time. So, I picked up one of the books that I started a few months back and just couldn't get into. This time, I'm really appreciating the prose. (Actually, truth be told... the quote from above caught my attention before I put the book down the first time... and it's probably the reason I finally came back to finish it.) I wouldn't exactly say it "moves like an express train" (as the Yale Review did when it was originally published... back when the novel was $1.25... when my Mom bought it... when she lived in 719 White, wrote her name in her college reads, and was named Moore), but it has grabbed my attention again. What is this literature of which I speak? Robert Penn Warren, All the King's Men. Odd choice... but worthwhile, I think. And amusing given the cab ride I had in State College today. (Yes, State College actually has cabs... really shoddy, scary ones driven by dirty old men... but C-COR has company vehicles I drive when I'm in town... and apparently, it's against company policy to leave one of those at the airport for me... while I'm ranting about that, it would cost a few dollars to leave the company car at the airport! and instead I pay $20 to take a cab to the hotel where the company car is parked for free... I just hope the hotel drop-off was on someone's way HOME so that I don't have to explain simple penny-pinching principles again tomorrow.) Anyway, the cab ride. My driver was really chatty (I seem to get a lot of those... I learned the life stories of cabbies in Phoenix and Amsterdam... am I just a good listener or what???). And this particular cabbie wanted to tell me about his views on life... you know, how our society is going down the toilet. He had particularly choice words to say about 1) politicians (oh, sir, did I tell you I'm a Poli Sci major AND currently enjoying All the King's Men?) and 2) companies not taking care of their employees (oh yeah, and I'm in HR and am tasked daily with figuring out how to appropriately communicate with employees so that they feel more involved and part of the company). I just found that amusing and thought I would share.

Anyway, so the quote... I just completely identify with that idea... that we are made up of all these "you's" - the you from the plane today that politely switched seats with the lady who had already assumed she could have yours & that you wouldn't mind sitting in the middle of a fully occupied row ... and the you from yesterday who could be found yelling obscenities at the television while watching your favorite team play and just knowing that if your parents heard you, they would blush with shame... and the you from the days of Ziggy who would actually join in the game instead of just watching from the easy chair... and the you who coordinated the "We Hate Valentine's Day Club" that went for ice cream sundaes at the Dairy House to celebrate not having significant others (but the same you who secretly enjoyed the hell out of receiving two different vases of flowers from secret admirer valentine's well-wishers). What would that barbecue be like?!?!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Headin' Out

I'm leaving the (relative) warmth of Statesboro for freakin' freezing (and snowy) State College in the morning. Remind me why I'm taking this trip in FEBRUARY? Wait, I think someone mentioned that it wasn't that smart of an idea. Oh well... it's just good timing for me professionally (discounting my personal feelings about the weather... these pics are what it looked like in February when we lived there! Haley, since you reminded me that you'd never seen it in person, I thought I'd post a pic of the old Lingwood place). It's definitely time for me to get "re-plugged in" with my colleagues up there. Can't wait to sit down with my boss for another one of our talks. I love her... and miss her most of all! Is that weird? All of you are jealous of my boss, aren't you? (Well, everyone but Haley.) But I sure am dreading dealing with the snow. I hope I don't have problems with the flights tomorrow. Flying into State College, as always, is interesting. I have two layovers, Charlotte and Philly. Too many chances to get snow-delayed for me! So... Kim - If I have time (and especially if I'm delayed), I'm stopping by the Hertz desk either tomorrow or Friday (on the way back through)!

Jon & I hosted the Sport Psych grad students tonight for a baby shower for the Czechs. Rivers is very sweet @ 2 months. Looks just like her brother! It was nice having guests over. And Haley, we got a compliment on the artwork... I'm hoping they actually liked it and weren't just being nice! They actually asked where we got it. Yeah, probably being nice, but I choose to believe they really liked it. Anyway, Cooper & Kona were very excited about the company. We left them outside for most of the time (at 6 months, you never know how they'll react), but they came in at the end and were thrilled to play with new people.

OK, well, halftime's almost over... gotta go watch more Heels b-ball. I hope it's more of the same shooting from Carolina in the 2nd half (has Wes been working with everyone on their 3-point shooting?). But I could use some better defense and ball-protection (STOP turning the ball over!). Hope y'all are having a great Sunday night! See ya from State College a little later.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Extent of My Cooking Skillz

Okay, Mom (and others)... I promised I would put these recipes up for you in case you wanted to try a few new things. Thanks to MJM for the Dinner Doctor cookbook! It's my new best friend in the kitchen. The recipes are easy and tasty, so definitely worth a shot. These four are from the "Comfort Foods" section (which, of course, is the first section I turned to). I decided, when I could only answer Chicken Casserole or Chicken & Noodles to the question "What's for dinner?" that I needed a few more recipes under my belt. Plus, Jon said recently that he was surprised that 85% of Georgians surveyed said they did not get their recommended daily allowance of veggies. Um... why surprised, Jon? WE DON'T! So, we're trying to incorporate more veggies into dinner. We found that these helped. Hope you enjoy!

Chicken Laredo (a.k.a. Just as Good as Red Hot & Blue Nachos)
3 cups cooked shredded chicken
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup chopped onion (1 med)
1 cup chopped green bell pepper 1 can (15 ounces) chili with beans
1 can (15.5 ounces) pinto beans, drained
1/4 cup diced tomatoes with green chiles, drained
8 ounces (half of a 16-ounce package) Mexican-flavor Velveeta
1. Preheat oven to 375.
2. Scatter the chicken evenly over the bottom of a 13x9 baking dish and set aside.
3. Heat the oil in a 7-inch skillet over medium heat and add the onion and bell pepper. Cook, stirring, until the vegetables are soft, 3 to 4 minutes. Scatter the onion and bell pepper mixture evenly over the chicken. Top with the chili, then the pinto beans, and the tomatoes, spreading each evenly into a layer before adding the next. Cut the Velveeta into thick slices and arrange them over the tomatoes. For extra heat, add sliced jalapeno peppers on top.
4. Bake the casserole until it bubbles around the edges and the Velveeta has melted, 28 to 32 minutes.

We ate it plain the first night we had it, but found (during leftovers) that is was even better over tortilla chips (thus the "Just as Good as Red Hot & Blue" renaming).

Kentucky Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole
4 cups shredded cooked chicken
1 package (6 ounces) Uncle Ben's Long Grain and Wild Rice Original Recipe
1 can (10.75 ounces) cream of celery soup
2/3 cup Miracle Whip salad dressing
1 can (8 ounces) sliced water chestnuts, drained (*optional... who likes water chestnuts anyway?! Yuck!)
1 jar (2 ounces) sliced pimiento peppers, drained
1 package (9 ounces) frozen French-cut green beans, thawed and drained
1 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth (from on 14- to 14.5-ounce can) or water
2 tablespoons pre-grated Parmesan cheese
1. Preheat the oven to 400.
2. Combine the chicken, rice with its seasonings, celery soup, salad dressing, water chestnuts, pimientos, green beans, and chicken broth in a large bowl. Transfer the mixture to a 13x9 baking dish and top with the Parmesan cheese. Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil.
3. Bake the casserole until it is bubbling and the rice has cooked, 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool 5 minutes. Serves 8.

Parmesan Chicken and Biscuit Pie
2 cups shredded cooked chicken
2 cups frozen mixed vegetables
1 can (10.75 ounces) cream of chicken soup
Half a soup can (about 5 1/2 ounces) of heavy cream or half-and-half
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
6 unbaked frozen biscuits (each 2 inches in diameter)
3 tablespoons pre-grated Parmesan cheese
1. Preheat oven to 425.
2. Combine the chicken, frozen veggies, chicken soup, and cream in a large mixing bowl. Season with black pepper. Transfer the filling to an 11x7 baking dish and smooth the top. Arrange the frozen biscuits on top of the filling in 2 rows of
3. Sprinkle the tops of the biscuits with the Parmesan cheese.
4. Bake the pie until the biscuits are golden brown and the filling is bubbling, 20 to 25 minutes. Serves 6.

Chicken Potpie
1 package (12 ounces) frozen deep-dish pie crusts (2 crusts), or 1 package (15 ounces) refrigerated pastry rounds (2 rounds)
2 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 cups cooked veggies of your choice
2 cups shredded cooked chicken
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
Salt and black pepper
2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1. Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 450.
2. Remove the packaging from the frozen crusts or pastry rounds and set one crust aside. Place a crust or refrigerated pastry round in a 9 inch pie pan that is 2 inches deep. If using pastry rounds, press 1 into the pie pan and crimp the edge with a fork. Prick the bottom of the crust a few times with a fork. Bake the crust until it is well browned, 7 to 8 minutes. Remove the pie pan from the oven and set it aside. Reduce the oven temp to 350.
3. While the pie crust bakes, melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the veggies and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Add the chicken and cook, stirring for 1 minute longer. Sprinkle the flour over the veggies and chicken, then season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook, stirring, until the flour is incorporated, 1 minute longer. Add the broth to the skillet, increase the heat to medium high, and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens slightly, 1 to 2 minutes.
4. Pour the chicken mixture into the baked pie crust. Cover the top with the remaining pie crust. (If you are using a frozen deep-dish crust, it will have thawed by now and will be easy to lay over the top of your pie.) Turn the edge of the top crust under the crimped edge of the bottom crust with your fingertips. Press around the edge with a fork to seal the two crusts together. Make several vents in the top crust with a sharp knife.
5. Bake the pie on top of a baking sheet until the pie crust is golden brown and the juices are bubbling, 20-25 minutes. Remove the pie from the oven, let it rest for 10 minutes, then slice & serve. Serves 6.

** Even if you use a square dish and completely mess up the pie crusts, this still tastes pretty good. :-)

Okay, that's it for the new recipes we've tried in the last few weeks. We did all four of them while Haley was here... and I must say, cooking is much more fun with a buddy than by your lonesome! I still miss her. Come back, Haley, come back.

Hope y'all are having a great weekend! It's back to cleaning for me...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Turn Around, Bright Eyes

I miss my baby sister. Hopefully, she's back home by now. She left us at 4:30 this afternoon. I wish she was still here. Regardless of how many times she says she thinks she's worn out her welcome, I hope she knows she absolutely hasn't. She could stay with us forever, and we'd all be as happy as little peas in a pod. Truly.

Anyway, I was sad when she left (of course, I mean, I AM my mother's daughter... and Mom, despite what Haley says about not being a crybaby, ask her sometime about the jumprope act at halftime of the Georgia Southern / Western Carolina game the other night!). But I didn't cry... while she was here! Why must we hide when we're crying? Is that a cultural thing? Do people hide their tears in other societies? And why am I making this such a big deal? I guess if you know my family, you know we're criers anyway (Jon says he thinks it's "criers" and not "cryers", so I'm going with it). With "Tiny Tears" herself at the head (sorry, Dad, but I still kinda think Mom wears the pants... for the rest of you, Dad used to get so irritated when we - he, Uncle Joel, sometimes other cousins, and I - were out somewhere and I made a comment about how we needed to ask Mom if we could do something), how could we not be? (Mom's principal annointed her "Tiny Tears" her first year (or so) of teaching since she has such a tendency to let every little thing go right to her tear ducts.)

Moving right along... since Haley left, I've been compelled to up my Internet time. Must just be the need to feel connected. I've checked out all your blogs... who knew the blog blug, I mean blog bug, was so contagious? If I haven't caught you up lately on the daily must-visit log (sometimes it's not quite every day updating happening at all of these, but... there's just not enough time in the day to be that creative!), here you go (and I HOPE they don't mind the extra advertisement... of course, they're on the Internet already, so I would think they wouldn't...):
- http://unckisses.blogspot.com: My Sister, Favorite Friend
- http://zachsosnoff.blogspot.com: The Z-man; the Toothless (backwards counting) Wonder himself; my godson who, according to his loony mom, "will rule all blogs eventually" (pic forthcoming, Lis... no worries)
- http://futurethoughts04.blogspot.com: The past, present, and future thoughts of Mikey & Jess, fave friends from the Hill
- http://andrewandkathryn.blogspot.com: An update from the Coates' and their cats (and guinea pig)
- http://www.team-tanner.com: Breeen-dane deserves the "precious family of the day" award

And the last one on the list for tonight... http://postsecret.blogspot.com. I ran across this site recently and fell in love with it. It's very me... "diggin' on" other people's secrets. WHY didn't I think of creating this site? I would LOVE this job! Anyway, since I'm so slack... I'm glad this guy thought of it. He posts new "secrets" every week or so (I think the site says it happens on Sundays). They make me laugh out loud, nearly cry, and feel all sorts of emotions in between. I hope you don't think it's terrible... but if you do, it won't stop me... so feel what you must.

And now, without further ado, the godson who will soon take over all blogs:

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Pure garbage, I tell you... both DirecTV and the Heels (tonight). How many times can I call in & complain about blackouts? Seriously, how many times will DirecTV black out Carolina games in STATESBORO, GEORGIA???!!!??? And the UNC/Dook game? I mean, for crying out loud, it's a nationally televised game on ESPN!!! So, who do I blame? Let's take a vote...
- DirecTV for the craziness of blackouts of all Carolina games (or HALF of this one)
- ESPN for offering it on Full Court and blacking out the 2nd half only (?)
- The "sports association" responsible for the blackouts (according to DirecTV, it's absolutely "not our fault"... it's all these "sports associations" that I have NEVER heard of)

I hate the rage... I really do. But it overtakes me sometimes! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! And especially when it has to be directed at multiple outlets. DirecTV and the loss. Geez... I'm going to bed. BAH!

And to make it even worse... Haley's leaving tomorrow. :-( Disapointing, sad, icky.

Maybe Later

I've been so slack lately. Sorry for those of you checking in every day. But, Haley's been here, and I've been enjoying the heck out of her company. So, you understand.

We've really been doing pretty well in keeping each other working during the days. Amazingly, we've only really left the house once each of the days... and all trips were extremely short ones. And the doggie scuffles have been limited to an average of 1.5 a day (well, something close to that). So, we're very sad to start thinking about her going back home... which will probably be tomorrow. Bah.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi. I'll get back to the habit very soon, so keep checking back.

Friday, February 03, 2006

How 'bout them Heels?

Sorry to miss last night... the internet connection was down (probably because of the gigantic-o storm... one clap of thunder actually shook our house!). And I really needed the connection too... because I needed to look something up on the IRS site in order to finish Haley's taxes. Oh well, I'll get to it today, I'm sure.

We're really enjoying having Haley & Sydney here. After one scuffle between Kona & Syd and another between Cooper & Syd, we've actually resigned ourselves to getting along. Now, we just sniff each other and walk in WIDE circles around one another to avoid any contact at all.

We also thoroughly enjoyed watching the Heels last night... although I think that was the WORST possible game I've ever seen referee-wise. And Dad, I'm not just complaining about the calls that went against Carolina; I thought it was terrible all the way around! It was starting to look dangerous out there! Glad the Heels came out on top, though. Always enjoy seeing them beat ranked teams (although I'm not sure how Maryland is still up there at #23).

OK, I'm off to work. Later gaters...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Fight, a Foul, and a Full Night's Sleep (Hopefully)

Haley and Sydney have been here for all of 5 hours, and we've already had the first scrap between Syd and Kona. Both of them are a little on edge having the other roaming around. And they completely misinterpret each other's actions. Kona tries to play with Sydney, Cooper thinks it's time to bark, and Sydney goes... Oh whoa, back up, beyotch! Amongst the drama, though, we had a really good meal. I hope Haley & Jon actually thought it was tasty and they're not just saying so because I keep pressuring them to. It was another Dinner Doctor recipe. Maybe that could be one day's post... the Dinner Doctor recipes that we've found to be quite tasty. What do you think? Interested? Anywho... I really like this pic of Syd, and I figure I mentioned her in this paragraph, so... perfect spot.

Secondly, that was COMPLETELY a foul! Stupid, stupid, stupid Shelden Williams. Oh well... lucky that Duke brought their home refs. Yes, I am bitter. And did anyone else see Doug Flutie run out of there like a little girl? Like anyone wants his autograph anyway!

Why am I so sleepy tonight? Oh yeah, because Cooper & Kona like to get up a million times a night! Hopefully, tonight will be more peaceful than last night. These two hellions, I swear. But night duty is Jon's. I have 'em all freakin' day! And tomorrow during the day should be quite interesting... with Haley & Sydney working with us too. I hope we don't have to referee any fights and can actually get some work done. Here's hoping, at least. Glass half full; always glass half full.
Today's Quotes:
When I first open my eyes upon the morning meadows and look out upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. -Oliver Goldsmith

No Time? C'mon!

How is it that I'm going to sit here and claim that I had no time for a post yesterday? Surely, I could've spared a few minutes from the work day (please don't tell my boss I said that!) or some time away from TV (seriously? the State of the Union?) or in the waning hours of the evening (when I usually sit down to peck out my daily ramblings). Alas, it's true. I either didn't have any time to spare or I just plain forgot to write down my musings yesterday! (And the truth is, it's a little of both.)

I actually got a lot of work done yesterday... made progress on some major projects that I'm leading/participating in for the COR. And since Jon was teaching until 6:30 (which really turned into 7:00-something), I worked late too. Okay, and yes, I will admit that I didn't cook and that I pressured him to let me go to Sonic for dinner (he didn't have to give in... but seriously, who among you can resist the lure of the Sonic burger??? Those of you with no prior Sonic experience, keep your pawpads down!). For once, by the way, my "have a night" guy wasn't there! Anyway, when we got home, it was already 8:00... which, of course, means Gilmore. Then the State of the Union commenced (which, I must admit... even as a Poli Sci major, I wasn't all that interested in... so, when I'd had enough, I actually came downstairs to take a bath & read a magazine). Finally, in those "waning hours" when I'd usually be typing away on my little message to all of y'all, I started working on our taxes... which is kinda fun for me... so back off. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

The biggest news of today is that Haley's coming! My sister, favorite friend. She should be on her way any minute, and I'm thrilled! Can't wait till she gets here. We've got big plans... taxes, making a headboard, buying her sheets for her new bed, working on scrapbooks, etc., etc. Okay, so she's only staying for a few days... but you have to understand that Haley is ultra-creative, and I must take advantage of her being here! So, I'm gonna run her ragged. Is that so wrong?

Oh well... I'm supposed to be working now... so I guess I should get moving. I love working from home. I don't have to shower until lunchtime (well, at all, for that matter... the dogs don't seem to mind!), I can just wear my pajamas all day, and I can get up at 8:15 and pull my computer onto my lap and it's just like I'm sitting at my desk. I'm really glad none of you can actually see me right now. Mom, is the laziness genetic too? Or is that just the eating out and talent for telling long-winded stories? It makes it so nice, too, that the dogs go outside when Jon gets up (thanks, Jon!!!) and come back to bed for another nap. Who else thinks it's funny (and quite fitting) that my dogs like to sleep in?