I swear, after that, I heard my alarm, both at 8:00 and 8:30; but Bob & Sheri's voices must've been extra soothing this morning. I don't even know what the Chat Room had going on. All I was doing was enjoying my lovely expensive and clean (i.e., no dog hair, no dirt/sand, no chewed-up holes) bedding. And my slumber was abruptly & rudely interrupted at 9:04 by my mean old boss. Yeah, yeah, yeah... blah, blah, blah... conference call at 9:00... waiting for you... blah, blah, blah. Oh C.R.A.P.
Once I get on the call, I was called on quite early in the conversation to give a progress report for the team I'm leading. Well, progress is HARD. Swing and a miss for me this morning on that one. It turns out I tried to cheat our employees out of an average of $1,544.35 just because I ♥ love ♥ Excel. I get excited over complicated problems that require functions and vlookups; and I lose sight of the goal. When the problem is 2 + 2, ask me to solve it in Excel using vlookup, a few other functions, and a pivot table; and I'll be so proud of my resulting spreadsheet that I won't even notice it's telling me the answer is 5. Oh well, as long as there's someone around to check my logic, I'll still be proud of my spreadsheets, I guess! Good thing I have a boss and couple of colleagues who love pointing out when I lose my sense. Okay... I don't really think they love it... but I continue to help them work on their constructive criticism skills. So that's good, right?!
Also, one more thing to say about today before I put it behind me and hope for a smoother tomorrow. Someone, please, if you see me in the grocery store, please tell me to step away from the doughnuts, return the cookies to their shelf, and back away from the chocolate cake. What is with me and junk food? I am a full-time grazer. Just call me 2x4.
But I had to celebrate. That's my excuse. Happy b'day, Rufus! Many x's and o's, sweet friend. Wish I had a chocolate oreo milkshake to bring you. Maybe soon, though; maybe soon.
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