So, in honor of Dad's birthday (we like to celebrate for multiple days around here), I'm going with him to breakfast in the AM. Well, it's not really for his birthday... it's the SonShine Club (is it really called a club? I hope so... I like clubs). They do breakfast every Tuesday morning. But with this week being Dad's week, I choose to believe we'll be celebrating his birthday! I say: 9am meeting? Who needs a stinkin' 9am meeting. The boss is in Turks and Caicos. Not sure why I would want to be in a 9am meeting when she's off having a cosmo on the beach. Therefore, instead of sitting in on the boring useless meeting, I'll be at McD's having a sausage, egg & cheese and DC. Cannot wait. Mmmm.
I also got the opportunity today to have a few uninterrupted hours of quiet time to do with what I pleased. And when I have that alone time at M&D's, I don't choose to get some good work done, no. I also don't choose to help around the house (which I could've been out picking up sticks... sorry, Pop). What I choose to do is play the piano... loudly. And even sing along sometimes. It is a major stress-reliever... but when Sydney starts wallering around making noise, I always think someone has come home and caught me belting out the last hymn or medley I happened to flip to. And I'm embarrassed. Why are we like that? This is something I love to do. I like to play loudly and sing along. I'm not horrible. Granted, I'm not great; but it can't be that bad to listen to. Sydney doesn't seem to mind. :) But if I were to be "caught", I'd be all kinds of apologetic. Of course, that's a whole other problem in and of itself. Anyway, I wanted to know how bad it really is today... so I decided to use my little digicam to record myself. Funny, yes. And I'm not sure why I chose to share that with you here... because you KNOW those vids are never going to see the light of day. In fact, they're already deleted (mainly b/c I know I can take another one with better song choices, etc. tomorrow!!). I'm silly. I know it. But you just have to love me anyway... or stop coming here to read about my small little life. One or the other. You pick.
Random addition: I indulged in two things today that are important to the heritage of this area and/or my fam. Both were interesting and fun:
An interesting piece of real estate on the market: With 21 kids between 'em, the Bunkers can be traced in the ancestry of many of us mountain folk. Turns out the wives were our, what Dad?, distant cousins?
Our official state dance: The most fun you can have with your feet on the floor (that's a direct quote from Wikipedia... I SWEAR!)
Do something good for yourself today. Thanks for visiting. X's and O's.
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