Thursday, February 01, 2007

Part II

Oh yeah... I DID have something to write about today... I just forgot about it until now (you know how that happens... when you read a story in the morning that you WANT to remember later, but you forget it anyway?!). So, did any of y'all happen to hear about Senator Joseph Biden throwing his hat into the '08 Presidential Race ring? Really, it's not so surprising that he wants in the race... what's interesting, and SAD really, is the one quote the NY Times (and every other media outlet, I'm sure) grabbed & ran with. Sen. Biden called Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Oops. Typical old white man mistake, I think. Then he tried to say he meant "clean" as in FRESH (as in ... Obama has fresh ideas). Interested? Here's the NYT article: Not really interested? Well, at least learn one thing... don't insinuate that an entire race of people is unclean. They're not. And you just prove your ignorance.

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