Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Safe travels

I finally arrive back home and the 'rents (and lil' Nona) leave theirs to come on down to the 'Boro. Looking forward to the visit. And thinking of all kinds of projects for you guys to help me with around the house! I just hate that it's a fairly substantial drive for the fam. Please be careful!

I hopped back on the treadmill today. Loved it, too. And, no, I can't believe those words just came out of my mouth. But, it's true... For all of you who heard me swear that I would never enjoy running, I enjoyed it today. I'm really trying to make sure it's not just a passing phase. And it was easier... of all days, today... after I took a whole week off while I was in State College last week! But, the only sucky part was that my ankle hurt. The same stupid ankle that I injured over the holidays... being a dummy-head who falls down stairs. Oh wait... my story was that I slipped on the ice, wasn't it? Dang it!

Anyway, so the running. I'm still not very fast, but today I was quite endurance-minded. There were no breaks for the whole 30 minutes. And my lungs didn't collapse... which is a good thing. I don't think collapsed lungs would be fun at all.

I didn't run today until later in the day. I found myself trapped in my PJs, working from the bed early in the day. I hate it when I decide not to get up & around and then get STUCK working on various projects that keep me rooted to the spot. And today's work challenges were especially frustrating... as they are really NOT MY JOB. But, once again, I'm the one who steps up. I like that about me... but sometimes not so much. I did tell Jeff today that I would like to just watch for once while someone else was forced to pick up the pieces of the mess that IS THEIR JOB. But, he kindly pointed out that we're both the type of people who step in and take care of it. Just can't stand to watch others... what's the word... suffer, fail, fall flat on their faces? And the only way we could let it happen is to officially quit... and I don't think either of us wants to be job-less! Not here when I am just celebrating keeping mine!

Anyway, my boss thanked me today for coming to State College last week. She said she really misses my positive energy and creativity! Boy... I wish everyone could see that side of me. :-) I think you'd like me more then. Eh... I'm just chasing time again. See you all again soon...

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