Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where've I Been?

Today's Quote
Days are scrolls: write on them only what you want remembered.
-Bchya Ibn Pakuda

Contrary to what my actions lately may have you to believe, my days have been GREAT recently... it's just that I haven't written the good stuff down here on my scroll.

I'm determined to start doing better. I loved blogging back when I was doing it religiously. But I let the personal I-don't-really-want-to-share-with-the-world stuff get in the way of my public airing-of-laundry. And that's not really me. I'm a very open person... sometimes to my detriment. I'm also a very protective person of those about whom I care. So, if something could've been hurtful to them, I haven't written it for the world to see. But, time heals, right? And if things are good in my life, it's okay to share, right? I mean, if you really care for me, you're happy to read aobut the good stuff that makes me happy, yes? Yeah, I don't know. It could still be hard. So, be warned. I'm coming back out with my happy scrolls. If you don't want to read, delete the bookmark or RSS feed.

Pics and good stuff to follow...